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HP 507017-B21 BLC7000 Enclosure 3 Phase 6 Power Supply 10 Fan Full Ice

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BLC7000 Enclosure HP 507017-B21 3 Phase 6 Power Supply 10 Fan Full Ice. Excellent Refurbished with 6-Month Replacement Warranty
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    Power Supply

    The HP BLC7000 Enclosure 3 Phase is equipped with a cutting-edge power supply system that sets it apart from its competitors. With an impressive count of 6 power supplies, this enclosure ensures a reliable and uninterrupted power supply to all the components housed within it. Let's delve deeper into the benefits and importance of this feature for users.

    Enhanced Power Redundancy

    One of the primary advantages of having 6 power supplies in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure is the enhanced power redundancy it offers. Redundancy is crucial in data centers or any environment where system downtime can lead to significant losses. With multiple power supplies, the enclosure can continue to operate even if one or more power supplies fail. This redundancy minimizes the risk of downtime, ensuring that critical applications and services remain up and running.

    Improved Load Balancing

    Load balancing is essential to distribute power evenly across various components within the enclosure. The 6 power supplies in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure allow for efficient load balancing, ensuring that each component receives an optimal power supply. This balance not only enhances performance but also extends the lifespan of the components by preventing overloading or underutilization.

    High Power Capacity

    The power capacity of an enclosure is a crucial factor to consider when deploying multiple high-performance servers or other power-hungry devices. The HP BLC7000 Enclosure, with its 6 power supplies, boasts a high power capacity that can meet the demands of even the most resource-intensive applications. This scalability allows users to expand their infrastructure without worrying about insufficient power supply.

    Reduction in Energy Costs

    In today's world, energy efficiency is a top priority for organizations striving to reduce their carbon footprint and operational costs. The HP BLC7000 Enclosure's 6 power supplies are designed with energy efficiency in mind. By distributing power intelligently, these power supplies minimize energy wastage, resulting in lower electricity bills and a greener IT environment.

    Intelligent Power Management

    The HP BLC7000 Enclosure's power supplies incorporate intelligent power management features that further contribute to energy efficiency. These power supplies are equipped with advanced technologies such as power capping and dynamic power allocation. Power capping allows administrators to set power limits for individual components, ensuring that they operate within predefined thresholds. Dynamic power allocation adjusts the power supply based on workload demands, optimizing energy consumption without compromising performance.

    Enhanced System Reliability

    With 6 power supplies, the HP BLC7000 Enclosure provides enhanced system reliability by reducing the load on each individual power supply. By distributing the power requirements across multiple units, the workload on each unit is significantly reduced, minimizing the risk of overheating or premature failure. This reliability is critical in mission-critical environments where system availability is of utmost importance.

    Streamlined Maintenance and Upgrades

    Having 6 power supplies in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure simplifies maintenance and upgrades. In case of a faulty power supply, administrators can replace it without disrupting the entire system. This hot-swappable feature ensures that critical operations continue uninterrupted while the faulty unit is being replaced. Additionally, when upgrading or expanding the infrastructure, the presence of extra power supplies allows for seamless integration of new components without worrying about power constraints.

    Future-Proof Investment

    Investing in an enclosure with 6 power supplies like the HP BLC7000 ensures that your infrastructure is future-proofed to a certain extent. As technology advances and more power-hungry components are introduced, having additional power supplies provides flexibility and scalability to accommodate these advancements without the need for a complete infrastructure overhaul. This feature saves both time and money in the long run, making the HP BLC7000 Enclosure a wise investment.


    The fan system in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure 3 Phase is truly remarkable, boasting an impressive count of 10 fans. These fans play a crucial role in maintaining optimal operating temperatures for the components housed within the enclosure. Let's explore the benefits and importance of this feature for users.

    Efficient Heat Dissipation

    Heat dissipation is a critical aspect of any enclosure, especially when it houses multiple high-performance servers and other heat-generating components. The 10 fans in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure ensure efficient heat dissipation by constantly circulating air and removing hot air from within the enclosure. This active cooling mechanism helps maintain optimal operating temperatures, preventing overheating and potential damage to the components.

    Noise Reduction

    Data centers and other environments housing IT infrastructure can be noisy due to the multitude of cooling fans required. However, the HP BLC7000 Enclosure's fan system is designed to minimize noise levels without compromising on cooling effectiveness. By utilizing advanced fan technologies and optimizing airflow patterns, these fans operate quietly, creating a conducive working environment for users.

    Redundant Fan Configuration

    Similar to power supplies, redundancy is crucial for fan systems as well. The HP BLC7000 Enclosure's fan system employs a redundant configuration with 10 fans, ensuring uninterrupted cooling even in the event of a fan failure. This redundancy protects against system overheating, minimizing the risk of downtime and component damage.

    Intelligent Fan Control

    The fan system in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure incorporates intelligent control mechanisms that optimize fan speeds based on temperature and workload demands. By dynamically adjusting fan speeds, the enclosure ensures that cooling is provided precisely when and where it is needed. This intelligent fan control not only enhances cooling efficiency but also reduces energy consumption by running fans at optimal speeds.

    Hot-Swappable Fans

    In the event of a fan failure, the HP BLC7000 Enclosure's hot-swappable feature allows for prompt replacement without disrupting system operations. Administrators can easily replace faulty fans without having to power down the entire enclosure. This convenience minimizes downtime and ensures continuous cooling for the critical components within the enclosure.

    Easy Maintenance and Monitoring

    The 10 fans in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure are designed for easy maintenance and monitoring. Administrators can access fan health status, speed, and other parameters through dedicated management interfaces. This visibility allows proactive monitoring and maintenance, ensuring that any fan issues are identified and resolved before they escalate into critical failures.

    Longevity of Components

    The fan system in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure plays a vital role in extending the lifespan of components. By maintaining optimal operating temperatures, these fans prevent excessive heat-related wear and tear on critical components such as servers, storage devices, and switches. The longevity of components translates to cost savings by reducing the frequency of replacements and minimizing system failures.

    Cooling System

    The HP BLC7000 Enclosure's cooling system takes center stage with its cutting-edge Full Ice technology. This innovative cooling solution provides exceptional cooling efficiency and performance, making it a standout feature of this enclosure. Let's explore the benefits and importance of this feature for users.

    Superior Cooling Efficiency

    The Full Ice technology in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure's cooling system offers superior cooling efficiency compared to traditional cooling methods. This technology leverages advanced airflow management techniques to ensure that cool air reaches all critical components within the enclosure. By minimizing temperature differentials and hotspots, Full Ice technology optimizes cooling efficiency, thereby enhancing overall system performance.

    Reduction in Energy Consumption

    Energy efficiency is a growing concern in today's data-driven world. The HP BLC7000 Enclosure's cooling system addresses this concern by significantly reducing energy consumption. The Full Ice technology enables precise cooling targeting, ensuring that only the necessary components receive cooling while others operate under optimal conditions. This targeted cooling approach minimizes energy wastage, leading to substantial cost savings and a greener IT infrastructure.

    Scalability and Flexibility

    The Full Ice technology in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure's cooling system is highly scalable and flexible. As your infrastructure expands, this technology can adapt to accommodate additional components without compromising cooling efficiency. The system adjusts dynamically to changes in workload demands, ensuring that cooling remains optimal regardless of the number of components housed within the enclosure. This scalability and flexibility allow users to future-proof their investment and avoid unnecessary cooling system upgrades.

    Advanced Airflow Management

    Full Ice technology incorporates advanced airflow management techniques to optimize cooling effectiveness. The enclosure's design ensures that cool air is directed precisely where it is needed most, minimizing air recirculation and hotspots. This intelligent airflow management eliminates temperature differentials, preventing thermal imbalances that can negatively impact component performance and longevity.

    Reduced Risk of Overheating

    Overheating can cause a multitude of issues, ranging from system instability to permanent damage to critical components. The Full Ice technology in the HP BLC7000 Enclosure's cooling system mitigates this risk by maintaining optimal operating temperatures throughout the enclosure. By efficiently dissipating heat, this technology prevents thermal stress on components, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted operation.

    Intuitive Temperature Monitoring

    The HP BLC7000 Enclosure's cooling system features intuitive temperature monitoring capabilities that provide real-time visibility into the enclosure's thermal conditions. Administrators can monitor temperature levels of individual components and the overall enclosure through dedicated management interfaces. This proactive monitoring allows for timely detection of any anomalies or potential cooling issues, enabling prompt action to prevent system failures.

    Longevity of Components

    The cooling system's efficient and precise cooling, facilitated by Full Ice technology, significantly contributes to the longevity of components within the HP BLC7000 Enclosure. By maintaining optimal operating temperatures, this technology minimizes the wear and tear caused by excessive heat, thereby extending the lifespan of critical components. The durability and reliability of components translate into cost savings by reducing replacement and maintenance expenses.

    In summary, the HP BLC7000 Enclosure 3 Phase offers exceptional power supply capabilities with 6 power supplies, ensuring enhanced redundancy, load balancing, high power capacity, reduced energy costs, and streamlined maintenance. The fan system, featuring 10 fans, provides efficient heat dissipation, noise reduction, redundant configuration, intelligent fan control, hot-swappable functionality, and easy maintenance. Lastly, the Full Ice cooling system delivers superior cooling efficiency, reduced energy consumption, scalability, advanced airflow management, reduced risk of overheating, intuitive temperature monitoring, and extended component longevity. With these impressive features, the HP BLC7000 Enclosure is a reliable and future-proof solution for organizations seeking high-performance and efficient IT infrastructure.

    Product/Item Condition:
    Excellent Refurbished
    ServerOrbit Replacement Warranty:
    Six-Month (180 Days)
    Customer Reviews