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Cisco MV32-HW 360° Mini Dome Camera

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360 degree Mini Dome Camera Cisco MV32-HW. New (System) Pull with 6-Month Replacement Warranty
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SKU/MPNMV32-HWAvailability✅ In StockProcessing TimeUsually ships same day ManufacturerCisco Product/Item ConditionNew (System) Pull ServerOrbit Replacement WarrantySix-Month (180 Days)
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    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera offers an impressive resolution of 1080p, providing users with high-quality video footage and clear images. This feature is essential for ensuring that every detail is captured and visible, making it easier to identify faces, objects, and events. Let's explore the benefits and importance of this resolution in more detail.

    Enhanced Clarity

    With its 1080p resolution, the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera delivers exceptional clarity in every frame. This high-definition capability allows users to see even the smallest details with great precision. Whether you are monitoring a busy office space, a retail store, or your home, this camera ensures that nothing goes unnoticed.

    Improved Security

    The detailed footage provided by the 1080p resolution enables users to enhance their security measures. With crystal-clear images, it becomes easier to identify potential threats or suspicious activities. This feature is particularly crucial for businesses that need to monitor their premises and protect their assets effectively.

    Accurate Facial Recognition

    One of the significant advantages of the 1080p resolution is its ability to capture clear facial features. This makes it easier for users to identify individuals and enhances the accuracy of facial recognition technology. Whether you are using the camera for access control or identifying potential intruders, this feature ensures reliable results.

    Sharp Image Detail

    The high-resolution footage from the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera reveals sharp image details that might otherwise be missed with lower quality cameras. This can be particularly beneficial in scenarios where it is necessary to zoom in on specific areas or objects for closer inspection. Users can rely on this camera to capture crucial evidence or monitor critical areas effectively.

    Optimal Video Playback

    The 1080p resolution provides users with an optimal video playback experience. Whether you are reviewing footage in real-time or accessing recorded videos, the high-quality resolution ensures smooth and detailed playback. This feature allows users to analyze incidents, detect patterns, and gather evidence more effectively.

    Viewing Angle

    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera boasts a wide 360-degree viewing angle, enabling users to monitor large areas with a single camera. This feature offers numerous benefits and is highly valued in various applications. Let's delve into the advantages and importance of this viewing angle in more detail.

    Comprehensive Coverage

    The 360-degree viewing angle of the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera ensures comprehensive coverage of the monitored area. With a single camera, users can monitor an entire room or outdoor space without any blind spots. This eliminates the need for multiple cameras and reduces installation and maintenance costs.

    Reduced Blind Spots

    Traditional cameras with limited viewing angles often result in significant blind spots, leaving areas vulnerable to unauthorized activities or incidents. The wide 360-degree viewing angle of this camera eliminates these blind spots, providing users with a complete view of their surroundings. This is particularly vital for high-security environments or locations where constant monitoring is necessary.

    Cost-Effective Monitoring

    The ability to monitor large areas with a single camera offers significant cost savings. Instead of installing multiple cameras to cover every corner, the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera provides an all-encompassing solution. This reduces the hardware and installation costs while simplifying the overall surveillance system.

    Efficient Incident Management

    With its 360-degree viewing angle, this camera allows users to track incidents efficiently. It provides a broader perspective that enables security personnel to identify potential threats or abnormal activities from a single vantage point. This saves time and resources by streamlining incident response and facilitating swift action.

    Enhanced Situational Awareness

    The wide viewing angle enhances situational awareness by providing users with a complete understanding of the environment. Whether it's monitoring a retail store, a parking lot, or an office space, this camera ensures that every corner is under surveillance. This feature allows users to proactively address security concerns and respond promptly to emergencies.


    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera offers Ethernet connectivity, ensuring a reliable and secure connection for data transmission. This feature is essential for seamless integration into existing networks and enables users to access and manage the camera remotely. Let's explore the benefits and importance of Ethernet connectivity in more detail.

    Secure Data Transmission

    Ethernet connectivity ensures secure data transmission between the camera and the network. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of video footage. By leveraging encrypted data transfer protocols, users can rest assured that their surveillance data remains protected from unauthorized access.

    Seamless Network Integration

    The Ethernet connectivity of the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera allows for seamless integration into existing networks. It can be easily connected to network switches, routers, or NVRs (Network Video Recorders) without requiring additional hardware or complex configurations. This feature simplifies the installation process and reduces compatibility issues.

    Remote Access and Management

    With Ethernet connectivity, users can remotely access and manage the camera from any location with an internet connection. This provides flexibility and convenience, allowing users to monitor their premises or view live footage on their smartphones, tablets, or computers. Remote management capabilities enable users to adjust settings, perform software updates, or troubleshoot issues without physically accessing the camera.

    Scalability and Expandability

    Ethernet connectivity allows for easy scalability and expandability of the surveillance system. Users can leverage existing network infrastructure to add more cameras as their needs evolve. This eliminates the need for extensive cabling or complex setups and ensures a cost-effective and flexible solution.

    Integration with Network Security Measures

    By utilizing Ethernet connectivity, the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera can integrate seamlessly with network security measures such as firewalls or VPNs (Virtual Private Networks). This enhances the overall security of the surveillance system and protects it from unauthorized access or cyber threats.

    Power Source

    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera features Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability, providing a convenient and efficient power source. This feature eliminates the need for separate power cables, simplifying installation and reducing maintenance efforts. Let's explore the benefits and importance of PoE in more detail.

    Simplified Installation

    The PoE capability of the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera simplifies the installation process by combining power and data transmission over a single Ethernet cable. This eliminates the need for separate power cables, reducing cable clutter and facilitating a clean and organized setup. The simplified installation saves time and effort, making it an ideal choice for both professional installers and DIY enthusiasts.

    Flexible Camera Placement

    With PoE, users can place the camera in locations without access to power outlets. This provides flexibility in choosing camera placement, ensuring optimal coverage without compromising convenience or aesthetics. Whether it's monitoring an outdoor area or a remote location, the PoE capability allows users to install the camera where it is most effective.

    Cost Savings

    The PoE capability eliminates the need for additional power supplies or adapters, resulting in cost savings during installation. By utilizing existing Ethernet infrastructure, users can avoid the expenses associated with running new power lines or installing dedicated power outlets. This makes the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera a cost-effective solution for both small-scale and large-scale deployments.

    Reliable Power Supply

    The PoE capability ensures a reliable power supply for the camera. By delivering power over the Ethernet cable, users can minimize power disruptions and ensure continuous operation. This feature is particularly crucial in critical surveillance applications where uninterrupted monitoring is essential.

    Centralized Power Management

    With PoE, users can centrally manage and monitor the power supply of multiple cameras. This simplifies power management tasks, such as scheduling or remotely powering on/off cameras. Centralized power management enhances operational efficiency and reduces maintenance efforts.


    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera is designed primarily for indoor use. While it may offer some level of resistance to environmental elements, it is not specifically designed to withstand harsh outdoor conditions. Let's explore the benefits and importance of this indoor feature in more detail.

    Optimized Performance Indoors

    As an indoor camera, the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera is optimized for performance in controlled environments. It is designed to deliver exceptional image quality, reliable connectivity, and convenient installation in indoor settings. This makes it an ideal choice for monitoring offices, retail stores, warehouses, or residential spaces.

    Discreet Surveillance

    The compact and sleek design of the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera allows for discreet surveillance indoors. Its unobtrusive appearance blends seamlessly into various indoor environments, ensuring that it doesn't draw unnecessary attention or disrupt the aesthetics of the space. This is particularly important in settings where maintaining a professional or welcoming atmosphere is crucial.

    Customizable Placement

    The indoor nature of this camera allows for customizable placement options. Users have greater flexibility in positioning the camera to achieve optimal coverage without restrictions imposed by outdoor conditions or mounting requirements. This feature enables users to adapt the camera placement as their needs evolve or change.

    Temperature and Humidity Control

    Indoor environments typically offer better control over temperature and humidity levels compared to outdoor environments. The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera is designed to operate within a specific temperature range, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. This feature guarantees that users can rely on the camera's functionality without worrying about extreme weather conditions.

    Reduced Exposure to Weather Elements

    By being primarily an indoor camera, the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera is protected from direct exposure to weather elements such as rain, wind, or sunlight. This reduces the risk of damage caused by environmental factors and extends the lifespan of the camera. Users can have peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected in controlled indoor environments.

    Night Vision

    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera is equipped with night vision capabilities, allowing users to monitor their premises even in low light or complete darkness. This feature ensures continuous surveillance and enhances security during nighttime hours. Let's explore the benefits and importance of night vision in more detail.

    24/7 Monitoring

    With its night vision capabilities, the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera enables 24/7 monitoring without relying on external lighting sources. Users can have peace of mind knowing that their premises are under surveillance at all times, regardless of the lighting conditions. This is particularly crucial for businesses or residential properties where security must be maintained around the clock.

    Enhanced Security in Low Light

    Night vision technology allows the camera to capture clear footage even in low light conditions. This enhances security by providing visibility and detail in areas where traditional cameras may struggle. Users can rely on this feature to monitor dimly lit spaces or outdoor areas during nighttime hours effectively.

    Prevention and Deterrence

    The presence of night vision capabilities can act as a deterrent to potential intruders or criminals. The knowledge that they are being monitored, even in the dark, can discourage unauthorized activities and reduce the risk of security breaches. Additionally, the clear footage captured by the camera can serve as evidence in case of an incident.

    Wide Range of Coverage

    The night vision capabilities of the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera offer a wide range of coverage in low light conditions. Whether it's monitoring a large outdoor area or an indoor space, this feature ensures that every corner is visible and under surveillance. Users can rely on the camera to capture critical details and events accurately.

    Automatic Switching

    The camera's night vision capabilities automatically switch on when ambient light levels drop below a certain threshold. This ensures that users don't have to manually adjust settings or switch between day and night modes. The seamless transition between day and night vision provides uninterrupted monitoring and reduces the risk of missing crucial events or activities.


    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera is equipped with two-way audio capabilities, allowing users to communicate remotely through the camera. This feature enhances the overall surveillance experience and enables real-time interaction with individuals in the monitored area. Let's explore the benefits and importance of two-way audio in more detail.

    Real-Time Communication

    The two-way audio capabilities of the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera enable real-time communication between users and individuals in the monitored area. This feature provides an additional layer of security by allowing users to issue warnings, provide instructions, or communicate with visitors or employees remotely.

    Remote Monitoring and Interaction

    With two-way audio, users can remotely monitor their premises and interact with individuals without physically being present. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses that require remote management or homeowners who want to communicate with delivery personnel or visitors. Users can maintain control and respond promptly to various situations.

    Enhanced Situational Awareness

    The ability to listen and speak through the camera provides users with enhanced situational awareness. By actively engaging with individuals in the monitored area, users can gather additional information, assess the situation more accurately, and make informed decisions. This feature allows for proactive management of incidents or emergencies.

    Customizable Audio Settings

    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera offers customizable audio settings, allowing users to adjust the volume levels or microphone sensitivity according to their specific requirements. This ensures optimal audio quality and reduces background noise interference. Users can tailor the audio settings to their environment, ensuring clear and effective communication.

    Evidence Collection

    The two-way audio capabilities of this camera also serve as a valuable tool for evidence collection. Users can record audio conversations or interactions, providing additional evidence in case of disputes or incidents. This feature enhances the overall surveillance capabilities of the camera and strengthens its role in security management.

    Motion Detection

    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera is equipped with motion detection technology, allowing it to detect movement within its field of view. This feature enhances the camera's efficiency by reducing false alarms and improving security monitoring. Let's explore the benefits and importance of motion detection in more detail.

    Efficient Event Triggering

    Motion detection technology enables efficient event triggering by alerting users when movement is detected within the camera's field of view. This ensures that users are immediately notified of potential threats or suspicious activities, allowing them to take appropriate action promptly. The camera's ability to differentiate between relevant motion and background movements reduces false alarms and enhances security monitoring.

    Reduced Storage Requirements

    By utilizing motion detection, the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera can significantly reduce storage requirements. Instead of continuously recording footage, the camera only captures video when motion is detected. This feature minimizes the amount of storage space required and allows for longer retention periods without compromising vital footage.

    Customizable Sensitivity and Zones

    The motion detection technology of this camera offers customizable sensitivity and detection zones. Users can adjust the sensitivity level to match their specific requirements, reducing false alerts caused by minor movements such as foliage or lighting changes. Additionally, users can define specific areas within the camera's field of view where motion detection should be active, further refining the monitoring capabilities.

    Enhanced Privacy Protection

    Motion detection technology contributes to enhanced privacy protection by ensuring that recording only occurs when necessary. This feature respects privacy concerns by minimizing the collection of unnecessary footage or capturing sensitive areas such as private offices or residential spaces. Users can have confidence that their surveillance system prioritizes privacy while maintaining a high level of security.

    Optimized Bandwidth Usage

    The motion detection technology optimizes bandwidth usage by reducing the amount of data transmitted and stored. As the camera only records when motion is detected, users can minimize network congestion and storage demands. This is particularly beneficial for remote monitoring or cloud-based storage systems where bandwidth or storage limitations may exist.


    The Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera offers cloud storage capabilities, allowing users to securely store and access their video footage remotely. This feature provides numerous benefits, including easy scalability, off-site backup, and simplified management. Let's explore the benefits and importance of cloud storage in more detail.

    Remote Accessibility

    The cloud storage capabilities of the Cisco MV32-HW Mini Dome Camera enable remote accessibility to video footage from anywhere with an internet connection. Users can securely access their footage through a web browser or dedicated mobile applications, providing flexibility and convenience. This feature allows for real-time monitoring, video playback, and incident analysis without being physically present at the camera's location.

    Product/Item Condition:
    New (System) Pull
    ServerOrbit Replacement Warranty:
    Six-Month (180 Days)
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